meaning fabricator

Choose the card that suits your question; you will receive your answer.

SinEater (#2)


It’s about isolation.

Mudra-Weenie 3 Dimensional Triptych

the Outside

The Goddess dances eternally delighted;

opening, we see her womb contains the world,

and the ego of the world: the Emperor uncertain of his weenie,

and unaware as well that behind his grand facade,

it is the Trickster who proffers the red ripe fruit.


the Inside


Anytime you dare to look through the lens

mindfulness machine

Heavenly Dispensation Bagatelle

Prayer Hours Sundial Chime

the Inner Workings

The sundial’s gnomon is calibrated
for the latitude of Midcoast Maine,
and the hours are marked on the
disciples’ heads, Jesus being high
The clock mechanism within the
box prompts the doll arm to ring
the chime at each of the appointed
hours of prayer, from Matins to








Blinky The 3rd Eye Enlightenment Box

Splinter Of The True Liberty Reliquary

Concerning Reliquaries


The (supposed) remains of saints were highly prized in the early and medieval Christian Church.  It was often believed they possessed special spiritual powers.  Such relics – which could be mere bone fragments or the vestiges of objects associated with a saint – were enshrined in bejeweled cases, or “reliquaries.”

The veneration of sacred relics continues into our own era; when Notre Dame Paris was burning, the priests were especially concerned about the rescue of its relics, which include the Crown of Thorns.

Among the more famous – and popular – relics were Splinters of the True Cross, now scattered across all of Christendom.


A Bid To Save Humanity From His Vainglory

A working pinball machine, designed to hang on the wall, and played by placing on a flat surface.
The ball is launched by the spring-loaded door knob on lower right, spinning the word cube which, instead of the letters of the Sacred Name, yod-he-vav-he, displays 
you-he-they-she. Play of ball may be manipulated by the door handle flipper on left. 

Landing ball in 3rd eye scores 500 points; returning Sacred Name to original letter scores 250; pointing arrow at heart gets 100; placing ball in l’Air, 50; and ringing bell, 10.  Returning ball to start is penalized by a loss of 50 points.